3 things a chronically ill person might want you to know

Do you know anyone with a chronic illness? You may without knowing it. Many people with a stubborn health condition might seem “normal,” but that’s only because you’re seeing them on a good day. They  may be expending all their energy to function normally and, after you say your farewells, may be headed home for a long nap. And afterContinue reading “3 things a chronically ill person might want you to know”

Power Poses (for 2 min/day) May Change Your Biochemistry!

Quick version: Holding “Power Poses” (making your body appear big) can change your biochemistry making you less stressed and more confident, at ease, assertive, confident, relaxed, risk tolerant, and fearless. More in Amy Cuddy’s TED talk. Long version: When my Mom and Sister are in airports or on long road trips, they pass the time by makingContinue reading “Power Poses (for 2 min/day) May Change Your Biochemistry!”

Cloudy days, clearer thinking and SAD

(Discussion on Daylight Savings here: buzznutrition.com/dst) It can’t be denied that the state of the sky affects our mood and perception. A clear, blue sky is crisp with contentment, while a cloudy, soupy sky might weigh your mind and your heart. For many who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder), cloudy days have dire consequences. But theContinue reading “Cloudy days, clearer thinking and SAD”